We are a team of development and interaction experts, dedicated to using visualization to make the world a better place.
We deliver intuitive and powerful visualizations to make sense of complex data.
"My passion is to make sure that development resources are spent in the most effective ways to achieve greater impact in the world".
Alexandra Silfverstolpe Tolstoy has been working with development issues for 20 years with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida, the UN, the EU Commission and civil society organizations. She also holds a Masters in Development Management from the London School of Economics.
In her two decades of experience working with global development issues, she often felt that decisions about how to spend resources were made in isolation of important facts that were essential to creating intended results. As an aid practicioner she lacked easy ways to access and analyze development data. She created Data Act Lab to assist governments, organizations, think tanks and the public to make sense of complex data in order to drive better decision making and in the end create a better world.
Depending on your needs we put together the best possible team to solve the task.
Our core team consists of experienced project management and technical lead as well as UX and web design. We always aim for building future proof and easily maintained solutions based on open technology and open standards.
We have a very wide array of experiences in the web developement business. Between us we've built advanced registration systems, custom e-commerce systems, high availability service systems and much more. These systems are handling billions of rows of data and we've designed infrastructure and applications to meet the demands of high traffic, high performance sites and systems. All this packaged in easy to use interfaces and lean designs.
We've come together to use our vast knowledge to support a better tomorrow for our children and our childrens' children.